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1. Seminar on Nursery Factory Scheme of Pengkalan Chepa,  Pejabat Setia  Usaha  Kerajaan  Negeri Kelantan, Kota  Darul  Naim,  Kota Bharu, Kelantan, 28-30 September, 1987.

2. International Rattan Seminar‚- Chiangmai Hill Hotel, Chiangmai, Thailand, November 12-14, 1987.

3.  Seminar  On Graduate Special Scheme‚- Institut  Tadbiran  Awam Negara   (INTAN),   Bukit  Layang,  Genting   Highland,   Pahang- August 18, 1987.

4. Seminar On Small And Medium Size Industries‚- Shangrila  Hotel, Kuala  Lumpur, March 23-27, 1987. Organized by SIRIM and Government of Hungary.

5.  Symposium  On  Italian  Wood  Technology-Italian  Inst.   for Foreign   Trade-  Holiday  Inn  City  Center,  Kuala   Lumpur.13- 17/6/1988.

6.  International Bamboo Workshop, Cochin, Kerala  State,  India, November, 1988.

7.  International  Rattan,  Bamboo  and  Design  Workshop-  March 1989- Jakarta, Indonesia. FAO/ ASMINDO.

8. Seminar  On Promotion Of Innovative Activity  And  Indigenous Technology-   15-17/8/89,   WIPO/  Minds,   Putra   World   Trade Center, Kuala Lumpur.

9. IUFRO XIX Congress, Montreal, Canada, 5-11 August 1990.

10. Oil  Palm  Trunk and  Other  Palmwood  Utilization  Seminar, Kuala Lumpur. 3-5 March 1991.

11.  Sericulture  Implements  Using Bamboo,  Pandanus  and  Other Non-wood. Thailand. ATTC. 14 January - 2 February 1991.

12. ASIATECH 1991. Grand Continental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.  12-14 August 1991.

13.  IV International Bamboo Workshop, Chiangmai,  Thailand.  27- 30 November 1991.

14. National Symposium on Analytical Chemistry

    i. Technology University of Malaysia, Skudai, Johor Baharu. September 1989.

    ii.  Agriculture  University  of  Malaysia,   Serdang.   4-6 September 1990.

    iii. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. 20-23 October 1991

    iv.  MARA Institute of Technology, Shah Alam. 28-20  October 1992.

15.  Rattan  (Cane)  Seminar,  Trichur,  Kerala,  India  -  29-31January 1992.

16. Bamboo Research Programme, 3-17 March 1992. Taiwan.

17. Forum on Entrepreneurial Development: Opportunities  for the small  and  medium  scale  enterprises  in  the  wood  processing industries.  The  Malaysian Timber Industry Board  (MTIB),  Kuala Lumpur. July 28-29 1992.

18.  International  Bamboo Congress III,  Minamata,  Japan.  6-11 November 1992. Resource Person.

19.  International  Symposium on Industrial Use of  Bamboo,  6-12 December 1992. Beijing, China.

20.  International Workshop on Bamboo Research. Chi-Tou,  Taiwan. 24-27  June  1994. Council of Agriculture,  The  Forest  Products Association  and  Asian Agricultural  Technical  Service  Center, Taiwan, ROC. Resource Person.

22. IVth International Bamboo Congress, Bali, Indonesia,  19-22th June 1995.

23.  XXth IUFRO World Congress, Tampere, Finland.  7-12th  August 1995.

24. Malaysia-Indonesia Bilateral Meeting of Group D: Research, Training and Extension. Palembang, Sumatera. 26-27 August 1996. Resource Person.

25. Malaysia-Indonesia Bilateral Meeting of Group B and 9th Senior Officials Meeting. Penang. 14-19 October 1996. Resource Person.

26. International Short Course on Sustainable Tropical Forest Management. 22-28 November 1995. Serdang, Selangor. Resource Person.

27. International Short Course on Sustainable Tropical Forest Management. 7 November 1996. Serdang, Selangor. Resource Person.

28. International Conference on Forest Products, Bangkok, Thailand. December 16-22, 1996. Resource Person.

29. IVth National Oil Palm Trunk Utilization Seminar, Dynasty Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. 29 April - 1st May 1997.

30. Partnering to commercialize research. 19-23 May 1997. FRIM.

31. Private sector attachment and training programme for senior Malaysian public sector executives: China Module. INTAN, Bukit Kiara, Damansara, Kuala Lumpur (26-29 May 1997); Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (30 May -14 June 1997).

32. Cultivation and industrial utilization of bamboo. Hangzhou. PR China. 3 - 26 October 1999.

33. International Bamboo Congress 6. San Jose Costa Rica. 30 October – 10 November 1999.